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Variable Modifiers

Variable modifiers can be applied to variables, custom tags or strings. To apply a modifier, specify the value followed by a | (pipe) and the modifier name. A modifier may accept additional parameters that affect its behavior. These parameters follow the modifier name and are separated by a : (colon).

Modifiers can be applied to any type of variables, including arrays and objects.


{* apply modifier to a variable *}

{* modifier with parameters *}

{* apply modifier to a function parameter *}
{html_table loop=$myvar|upper}

{* with parameters *}
{html_table loop=$myvar|truncate:40:"..."}

{* apply modifier to literal string *}

{* using date_format to format the current date *}

{* apply modifier to a custom function *}
{mailto|upper address=""}

{* using  php's str_repeat *}

{* php's count *}

{* this will uppercase the whole array *}
<select name="name_id">
{html_options output=$my_array|upper}

Combining Modifiers

You can apply any number of modifiers to a variable. They will be applied in the order they are combined, from left to right. They must be separated with a | (pipe) character.


$smarty->assign('articleTitle', 'Smokers are Productive, but Death Cuts Efficiency.');

where template is:

{$articleTitle|lower|spacify|truncate:30:". . ."}

The above example will output:

Smokers are Productive, but Death Cuts Efficiency.
S M O K E R S   A R ....snip....  H   C U T S   E F F I C I E N C Y .
s m o k e r s   a r ....snip....  b u t   d e a t h   c u t s...
s m o k e r s   a r e   p r o d u c t i v e ,   b u t . . .
s m o k e r s   a r e   p. . .

Using modifiers in expressions

Modifiers can also be used in expressions. For example, you can use the isset modifier to test if a variable holds a value different from null.

{if $varA|isset}
    <b>variable A is set</b>

You can also use modifiers in expressions in a PHP-style syntax:

{if isset($varA)}
    <b>variable A is set</b>

See also registerPlugin(), combining modifiers. and extending smarty with plugins